आकाशगङ्गा एक तारापुञ्ज हो जहाँ हाम्रो सौर्यमण्डल (पृथ्वी समेत) रहेको छ। यो एक सङ्खाकार (स्पाइरल) तारापुञ्ज हो। यसको मुख्य चक्काको व्यास करिव ८०,००० देखि १ लाख प्रकाशवर्ष छ भने परिधि २,५०,००० देखि ३,००,००० प्रकाशवर्ष छ। ब्रम्हाण्ड मा अबलोकन गर्न सकिने अरबौं तारापुञ्जहरू मध्येको एक हो आकाशगङ्गा। (Coma Berenicesतारापुञ्जमा रहेको NGC 4414 नामको चक्राकार आकाशगंगा, यसको व्यास करिब ५५,००० प्रकाशवर्षरहेको अनुमान गरिएको यो तारापुञ्ज करिब ६०,००,००,००० प्रकाशवर्ष टाढा रहेको छ|) इतिहास= आकाशगङ्गाको आयु ठम्याउन निक्कै कठिन छ, तापनि यस पुञ्जको सबै भन्दा पुरानो ताराको आयु अन्दाजि करिव १३.६ अर्ब वर्ष छ जुन लगभग यस तारापुञ्जकै आयु समान छ। तारापुञ्ज गर्भ Main article: तारापुञ्ज गर्भ धनुराशि तिरको पुञ्जगर्भ। धनु (राशि)का मुख्य ताराहरू रातो देखाईएका छन तारापुञ्जिय चक्का, जुन गर्भबाट बाहिरतिर उठेको छ, को व्यास करिब ७० हजार देखि एक लाख प्रकाशवर्ष लामो छ। सूर्य देखि पुञ्जगर्भ सम्मेको दुरी करिव २६,००० ± १४०० प्रकाशवर्ष लामो रहेको अनुमान छ। तारापुञ्जको गर्भमा ध...
Maria Zuber: I'm Maria Zuber, Principal Investigator of NASA's GRAIL mission. GRAIL is the first planetary robotic mission that includes an imaging experiment that's devoted entirely to education and outreach, called the MoonKAM system. This video clip was made by Ebb as it flew above the surface of the moon that we don't see from Earth, from the north pole towards the south pole. The far side of the moon is extremely rugged. The surface also contains many impact craters, which are preserved features from asteroids that hit the moon's surface after it formed. The MoonKAM investigation will begin in March, when middle school students will have the opportunity to target interesting areas of the moon that they want to study. So stay tuned! ( मारिया Zuber : मैं मारिया Zuber , नासा कंघी बनानेवाले की रेती मिशन के प्रधान अन्वेषक हूँ . कंघी बनानेवाले की रेती पहले ग्रहों रोबोट मिशन है कि एक इमेजिंग प्रयोग है कि पूरी तरह से शिक्षा और...
NASA is planning an Oct. 27 launch of the first Earth-observing satellite to measure both global climate changes and key weather variables. The National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System Preparatory Project (NPP) is the first mission designed to collect critical data to improve weather forecasts in the short-term and increase our understanding of long-term climate change. NPP continues observations of Earth from space that NASA has pioneered for more than 40 years. NPP's five science instruments, including four new state-of-the-art sensors, will provide scientists with data to extend more than 30 key long-term datasets. These records, which range from the ozone layer and land cover to atmospheric temperatures and ice cover, are critical for global change science. "NPP's observations of a wide range of interconnected Earth properties and processes will give us the big picture of how our planet changes," said Jim ...
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